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John Thomson | 3x Mount Denali Climber | Runner, Mountaineer, Dad, and Investment Professional

Posted by George Parker on
John Thomson | 3x Mount Denali Climber | Runner, Mountaineer, Dad, and Investment Professional

Peregrune runners, meet John Thomson!

I met John in graduate school, where we ran in the cold Chicago morning. John was a mountain climbing guide on Mount Rainer and Denali before we met. I tried summiting Rainer once and found that part of John’s life fascinating.

Flash forward to today, and John recently summited Mount Denali for the third time, over a decade after his first Denali expedition – returning as a husband, father, and experienced financial and investing professional.

Enjoy! We explore a lot in this wide-ranging conversation, from carrying 100-lb backpacks, flying onto remote glaciers, using running to build overall fitness, and overcoming the psychological challenges of climbing a mountain for three weeks. 

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