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Magnesium; What runners should know about Magnesium


Magnesium, an essential mineral, requires daily ingestion to maximize energy the body's energy production cycle (ATP). 

Our Runner Multivitamin contains up to 2x more Magnesium to meet the elevated demands of runners.

Recommended Daily Value & Upper Limit: +400 mg/day 

    Magnesium is an essential mineral that is required by virtually every cell. It it critical for more than 300 chemical processes that sustain basic human health and function,  including muscle contraction and relaxation, nerve function, cardiac activity, blood pressure regulation, hormonal interactions, immunity, bone health and synthesis of proteins, fats and nucleic acids.

    Most importantly, magnesium is crucial to generate ATP (adenosine triphosphate). When ATP is broken down, energy is released for all muscle contractions, and when exercising strenuously, this turnover is extremely high, meaning that ATP needs to be synthesized quickly. Thus a shortfall of magnesium can limit energy production, leading to fatigue, lethargy, reduced power, muscle twitches or cramps. [1],[2]

    Why Matters for Runners:
    Everyday runners require higher energy/ATP production to fuel exercise than do sedentary adults. And, magnesium is lost through sweat, which increases the demand in everyday runners due to their training programs especially in hot or humid weather. 

    Our Runner Multivitamin:
    Our Runner Multivitamin is scientifically formulated with up to 2x the amount of magnesium to meet the demands of everyday runners.

    As with all minerals in foods, magnesium has to be present in the soil where food is grown. The best food sources of magnesium are beans, especially soy; whole grains, including bran; nuts like almonds and brazil nuts; and seeds, including flaxseed, sesame, and sunflower. [4] Magnesium supplements are available in a variety of forms, including magnesium oxide, citrate, and chloride. [1]

    Magnesium is a macro-mineral, which, unlike trace minerals, the body needs in large quantities. (The other macro-minerals are calcium, sodium and potassium). After digestion, the body breaks magnesium compounds into magnesium ions (Mg2+). These ions are enzyme co-factors, which enable over 300 chemical reactions in the body. In the absence of magnesium, these reactions, which govern muscle contraction, nerve activity, and cardiac function among others, cannot occur. 

    Of particular relevance to everyday runners, magnesium is a required ingredient in the energy-production process that occurs inside cells. The molecule ATP, or adenosine tri-phosphate, is the fundamental unit of energy used in human cells. ATP can be thought of as fuel for the cell’s activities, much in the same way that gasoline fuels a car. Mitochondria inside the cell function as the cell’s power plants and constantly produce ATP by converting simple units of glucose, fatty acids, or amino acids. The form in which ATP exists and is utilized is typically MgATP, magnesium complexed with ATP. These MgATP units must be present to sustain movement, to perform cell maintenance, and to maintain a healthy balance of minerals inside and outside of the cells.

    The interdependence of ATP and magnesium can have far-reaching effects on nerve transmission, calcification of tissues and blood vessels, and muscle excitation, underlining the importance of maintain adequate magnesium levels. [5] 


    Best wishes chasing your running goals!

    PEREGRUNE engineers runner vitamins and supplements to help you get a little bit better everyday.

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    [1] National Institutes of Health (2016, February). Magnesium - Fact sheet for Health Professionals. Retrieved May 14, 2017 from:

    [2] Taylor, Pip (2016, June). Why Runners Need Magnesium. Retried May 15, 2017 from:

    [3] WebMD (2009). Magenesium. Retrieved May 15, 2017 from:

    [4] Heller, Daniel. (2012, July). Magnesium, Why you Need it. Retried May 15, 2017 from:

    [5] EnviroMedica. (2015). What is Magnesium? How it functions in the body. Retrieved May 15, 2017 from: 

    Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information contained herein is for informational purposes only and does not establish a doctor-patient relationship. Please be sure to consult your physician before taking this or any other product. Consult your physician for any health problems.